
SEA-PLM 2024: Driving Regional Collaboration to Transform Foundational Learning in Southeast Asia

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In Action: Friends of SEAMEO Gallery

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Future4Girls: Advancing Gender Equality in Education Through Regional Collaboration and Policy Insights

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From Vision to Action: Advancing Inclusive Education at the 47th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting

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Thailand’s Education Transformation The Road to Zero Dropouts

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Southeast Asia’s Education Challenge: 11.8 Million Out of School Children and Youth

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Policy Dialogue 1: Supporting Out-of-School Children and Youth in the Southeast Asia

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Policy Dialogue 2: Transformative Potential of EdTech in Addressing Challenges and Creating Inclusive Educational Opportunities

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Bridging the Digital Divide: Insights from the 2023 GEM Southeast Asia Report on Technology in Education

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Honouring Water: Exploring the Shared Traditions of Loy Krathong and Its Asian Counterparts

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Bridging the Gap in AI Education: Empowering Students to Move Beyond Basic AI Tools Towards Critical Engagement and Innovation

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Education: Shaping the Future of ASEAN-China Relations

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Advancing Gender Equality in Education: Breaking Barriers for Girls in Southeast Asia

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DRIVING IMPACT: SEAMEO’s Commitment to Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

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Harnessing STEM Education to Innovate Solutions for Global Health Challenges

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Addressing the Learning Crisis Through Context-Specific Solutions

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Empowering Educators: Reflections from the 14th ISTP

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The Learning Voyage of Pre-Service Student Teachers through the SEA-Teacher Project

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SEA-PLM Highlights Equity Challenges in Technology Access in Southeast Asia

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Centring the Margins: How Connected Learning is Transforming Education for Refugees

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Navigating Today: SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Teacher e-Training Series 2024

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SEAMEO Showcases Key Educational Initiatives

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Supporting the Advancement of Girls Education in Southeast Asia

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Safeguarding Learners: The Role of Educators and Social Media

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Shaping Policy Through Research

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Navigating the Complexity of Teacher Shortages in Southeast Asia

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Preparing for Success: SEA-PLM Programme Gears Up for 2024 Main Survey

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SEAMEO E-Library: Platform Enhancing Knowledge Sharing

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Cooperation and Collaboration Towards Unity: SEAMEO Council President VP Sara Visits Malaysia and Cambodia

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Empowering Education: Timor Leste's Journey with the SEA-PLM Programme

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Reshaping the Future of Education: The Vital Role of Data

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Bridging Educational Divides

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A Symposium of Innovations, The 12th SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Symposium

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High-Level Policy Dialogue on Technology in Education

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PWD - “Power Within Disability”

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Elevating Education: Navigating with PISA and SEA-PLM

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Unveiling Collaborative Excellence: The Friends of SEAMEO Gallery

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The 46th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting:

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SEAMEO Shines Spotlight on Educational Excellence: Highlights from the 46th High Officials Meeting Side Event

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Waste Hero Education in Southeast Asia

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5th International Conference on Special Education 2023 and 1st Innovation for Disability Inclusive Education Competition (iDIEC) 2023

.hideold { display: none; } #float{ float: right; width: 350px; padding: 10px 20px 20px 20px; } 5th International Confer...

Embracing Accessibility in Technology Towards Education for All

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Unlocking the Power of Social Media for Teaching & Learning

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The Digital Revolution: Navigating the Ethics and Competencies of Media and Information Literacy

.hideold { display: none; } #float{ float: right; width: 350px; padding: 10px 20px 20px 20px; } The Digital Revolution: ...

How Educators in Southeast Asia can Cope with Digitalization in the Absence of Stable Digital Access

.hideold { display: none; } How Educators in Southeast Asia can Cope with Digitalization in the Absence of Stable Digital Access by ...

Wat Koh Wang Sai School: Inspiring Sustainable Education through SEPS Integration

.hideold { display: none; } Wat Koh Wang Sai School: Inspiring Sustainable Education through SEPS Integration by John Arnold Siena | De...

Teacher E-training on Inquiry-based Learning and Mathematical Thinking

.hideold { display: none; } Teacher E-training on Inquiry-based Learning and Mathematical Thinking by Garry Pawitandra P. | Learning...

Fit for Industry 4.0

.hideold { display: none; } Fit for Industry 4.0 by Garry Pawitandra P. | Learning Innovation and Information Specialist at SEAMEO Se...

Sufficiency Economy Philosophy Thrives: SEAMEO Director Applauds Wat Koh Wang Sai School’s Exemplary Implementation

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New UK funding to boost education opportunities for women and girls in Southeast Asia

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SEAMEO RECSAM Convened SEAMEO Centre Policy Research Network (CPRN) Summit

March 28, 2023 (Penang) – SEAMEO RECSAM (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education OrganizationRegional Centre for Education in Science and Math...

Kicking off 9th Batch of SEA-Teacher Student Exchange with 78 Universities in Southeast Asia

  Bangkok, 21-22 March 2023To promote the SEAMEO Education Agenda in revitalizing teacher education in Southeast Asia, the SEAMEO Secretar...

SEAMEO, Kyungwoon University sign MOU to Strengthen Higher Education, Teacher Education, TVET Programmes

  Bangkok, 28 March 2023The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Secretariat (SEAMEO Secretariat) and Kyungwoon University ...

11th SEAMEO- University of Tsukuba Symposium was successfully virtual on 20-22 Feb 2023

The 11th SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Symposium successfully concluded its virtual sessions on 20-22 February 2023 with over 19,860 participants fro...

SEAMEO successfully concludes its 2022 Virtual TVET Student Exchange

  To promote the internationalisation of TVET institutions and improve international competitiveness and employability of TVET students in South...

SEAMEO member countries commit to focus on learning recovery, foundational and lifelong learning at the 6th Strategic Dialogue for Education Ministers

The eleven (11) SEAMEO member countries have committed to focus their efforts and resources in prioritizing learning recovery, foundational and life...

Philippines takes the lead in the 52nd SEAMEO Council Conference

The Department of Education Philippines, in close collaboration with the SEAMEO Secretariat, successfully hosted the 52nd SEAMEO Council Conference ...

Transformation in Professional Development: SEAMEO Secretariat’s YouTube hits 4 Million-Views

For over two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented conditions in all areas of social life and changed the educational landscape glo...

Three SEAMEO Regional Awards Highlighted at the 45th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting, Bangkok

  Bangkok, 29 November 2022 - The 45th SEAMEO High Officials (HOM) Meeting highlighted the prestigious awarding ceremony of three Regional Awar...

SEAMEO Award Presentation Ceremony for TikTok and 2nd SEAYA 2022

  Bangkok, 13 December 2022: On 30 November 2022, the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) marks its 57th anniversary ...

SEAMEO convenes the 45th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand

  Bangkok, 29 November 2022The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat in collaboration with the Ministry...

SEAMEO RECSAM and Google Enter Agreement to Accelerate SEAMEO Teachers’ Digital Growth and Development

  Bangkok, 30 November 2022 - The Southeast Asia Ministers of Education OrganizationRegional Centre for Education in Science and Math...

SEAMEO Research University Network (SEA-RUN) Inaugural Meeting, 2 December 2022, Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand, 2 December 2022The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat signed Memorandum of Understandin...

Event List

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building, 920 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thai...

SEAMEO convenes the 45th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building, 920 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thai...

ซีมีโอจัดงานประชุมเจ้าหน้าที่อาวุโสของซีมีโอ ครั้งที่ 45

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building, 920 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: +66...

Minister of Education, Thailand and SEAMEO Secretariat launch SEAMEO Smart Classroom in Thailand-Cambodia border school

  On 22 August 2022, H E Ms Treenuch Thienthong, Minister of Education, Thailand and Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela, Director of SEAMEO Secre...

SEAMEO and UNESCO Bangkok Lead Celebration of World Teachers’ Day 2022, The Transformation of Education Begins with Teachers

  (Virtual) 5 October 2022 - The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat, in collaboration with UNESCO Asia-Pa...

SEAMEO, QS hosts 2nd Higher Education Forum on Using Analytics to Plan International Collaboration in Asia Pacific

  Bangkok, 29 September 2022: The SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with QS Quacquarelli Symonds virtually hosted the 2nd SEAMEO-QS Higher Ed...

SEAMEO Holds Virtual Executive Committee Meeting 2022

The SEAMEO Secretariat hosted the Virtual SEAMEO Executive Committee (EC) Meeting 2022 on 11 August 2022, from 09.00 to 11.00 hrs (Bangkok Time). The ...

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Joins Global Leaders in the UN Transforming Education Summit 2022

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) participated in the UN Transforming Education Summit (TES) 2022 at the United Nation...

SEAMEO Secretariat celebrates International Literacy Day 2022 through Webinar

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat joined the global celebration of International Literacy Day 2022 through...

SEAMEO Secretariat Conducts Annual Planning for FY 2022-2023

The SEAMEO Secretariat (SEAMES) conducted its Annual Planning Activity on 19 to 20 July 2022 at Phumontra Resort, Nakhon Nayok. The two-day annual a...

SEAMEO and ASEAN Secretariats Hold 11th Annual Coordination Meeting (Virtual)

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat held...

SEAMEO Secretariat Leads Hybrid Workshop on the Science and Culture Action Agenda 2021-2025

Representatives from SEAMEO Centres and Network participated in the Hybrid Workshop on the Science and Culture Agenda 2021-2025 on 27 July 2021 at t...

SEAMEO-UNESCO strengthen collaboration and exchange at annual coordination meeting in Bangkok

4 August 2022The SEAMEO Secretariat and UNESCO Bangkok convened the 8th SEAMEO-UNESCO Coordination Meeting on 4 August 2022, at Mom Luang Pin Ma...

Regional Policy Dialogue on Schools Connectivity & Digital Transformation in Post Pandemic Context

  The SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with SEAMEO SEAMOLEC and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as an ICT specialized agency und...

Knowledge Management Prioritised at SEAMEO

Bangkok, Thailand 7 July 2022 - One hundred delegates from Knowledge Management units and related functions of all 26 SEAMEO Regional Centres virtua...

Diplomatic Briefing on SEAMEO’s Strategic Plans and Action Agenda 2021-2025, 25 July 2022, Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand, 25 July 2022The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat organised the Diplomatic Briefing on...

SEAMEO Border School Quality Inclusive Education Project (BSQIEP) Implementation in Nong Khai, Thailand-Lao PDR border

SEAMEO Secretariat has acknowledged the struggles learners and educators in border areas are facing, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The em...

Policy dialogue on Climate Change and Girls’ Education: Youth Engagement in SDGs

  Bangkok, 24 June 2022: The SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with the British Council, supported by Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Of...

SEAMEO-Australia sharing best practices of ePortfolios in Education

  Bangkok, 2 July 2022: The SEAMEO Secretariat, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment, Australia and the winner of the 2021/2022 ...

SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba join hands in Teacher e-Training Series

  Bangkok, 26 May 2022: The Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development (CRICED) of the University of Tsukuba, ...

The Workshop: National Policies on Lifelong Learning toward Sustainability in Southeast Asia as part of CONFINTEA VII in Morocco, 16 June 2022 (Virtual)

(Virtual) 16 June 2022The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat, organised the Workshop: National Policies on...

SEAMEO, New Zealand hosts 2nd Master Class on Digital Revolution for Education

  Bangkok, 24 May 2022: The SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with Education New Zealand (ENZ) hosted the 2nd SEAMEO-New Zealand Master Class...

The first Virtual Visit to the Philippines by the President of SEAMEC

On Monday, 18 April 2022, Singapore’s Minister for Education and current President of the SEAMEO Council (SEAMEC), H E Mr Chan Chun Sing, made ...

DTeEM re-launch in Thai

SEAMEO Secretariat, in cooperation with UNESCO Bangkok and Global Partnership for Education (GPE), has launched the Disability-Inclusive Teaching in...


...ตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ (SEAMEO Secretariat) ร่วมกับองค์การการศึกษา วิทยาศาสตร์ และวัฒนธร...

Policy Roundtable: SEAMEO member countries and experts discuss SEA-PLM’s new evidence to support teachers to improve learning post-COVID-19 in Southeast Asia

  On March 24, the SEA-PLM Secretariat convened a virtual roundtable to discuss existing challenges and gaps to inform policy discussions for e...

DTeEm Online Course re-launches to more countries in Southeast Asia

    Disability-Inclusive Teaching in Emergencies (DTeEm) online course was officially opened to public on 17 March 2022 during the ...

SEAMEO RECSAM, Google and DQ Institute Organises “Fostering Digital Citizenship through Safe and Responsible Internet Use” ASEAN Tech Talks to Celebrate 2022 Safer Internet Day

PENANG, 10 February 2022In commemoration with the 2022 Global Safer Internet Day, SEAMEO RECSAM with the support of Google and DQ Institute org...

SEAMEO Secretariat and UNICEF EAPRO signing the MOU in co-managing the SEA-PLM programme

On 16 March 2022, the SEAMEO Secretariat has embarked on a new chapter in co-managing the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) by signi...

Collaboration for Enhancing Teacher Education and Training between Southeast Asia and Japan

  Bangkok, ThailandThe SEAMEO Secretariat, in collaboration with the University of Tsukuba, Japan and the Ministry of Education, Culture, ...

SEAMEO Special Webinar on International Day of Education

  Bangkok, Thailand: The SEAMEO Secretariat successfully conducted a Special Webinar on International Day of Education under the theme 'Changin...

The 12th Regional Steering Committee marks the official introduction of the next round – SEA-PLM 2024

2628 January 2022The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) Secretariat, co-chaired by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Educati...

SEAMEO Schools’ Network hits over 1,600 Schools in SEA-Countries

  13 December 2021The SEAMEO Schools’ Network launched in October 2020 and reaches 1,669 members in November 2021. The majority of th...

KM Learning and Sharing by SEAMEO SPAFA

  Bangkok, 20 December 2021 – The SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with SEAMEO SPAFA successfully conducted a KM Learning and Sharin...

SEAMEO MOOCs Network Policy Dialogue 2021: The Futures of Higher Education and Open Learning in Southeast Asia

29 November 2021SEAMEO Secretariat has successfully staged the SEAMEO MOOCs Network Policy Dialogue 2021 with the theme: The Futures of Higher ed...

SEAMEO holds virtual 44th HOM 2021

  Bangkok, 30 November 2021Today, the SEAMEO Secretariat successfully convened the 44th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting (HOM) through WebEx...

Virtual SEAMEO Awarding Ceremony in cooperation with the Government of Canada and Japan

  The SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with the Government of Canada and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ...

SEA-PLM won Gold Award for the Best of UNICEF Research 2021

1 December 2021The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) programme won the Gold Award of the 9th annual Best of UNICEF Research (BO...

SEAMEO celebrates 56th anniversary

  Bangkok, 25 November 2021: On 30 November 2021, the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) marks its 56th anniversary....

Field Visit to Thailand-Cambodia Border schools in Sakaeo Province, Thailand

SEAMEO CARES and SEAMEO Border Schools Quality Inclusive Education Project (BSQIEP) under SEAMEO Priority Area Number 2 "Addressing Barriers to...

44th HOM to happen on 30 Nov 2021

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building, 920 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: ...

SEA-PLM 2019: Discussing new evidence on learning – Policy Roundtable: Low Performing Readers (Virtual)

19 November 2021The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) Secretariat, co-chaired by Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organiz...

The 6th High Officials Meeting on SEA-TVET Theme: Technological transformation and the digitalisation of TVET systems

  (Virtual) 29 October 2021 - The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia, and the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training of Cam...

SEAMEO-QS Higher Education Forum on Using Performance Insight to Build World-Class Universities in Southeast Asia

  Bangkok, Thailand: SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with Quacquarelli Symonds, UK (QS) hosted the SEAMEO-QS Higher Education Forum under t...

SEAMEO-UNESCO-TTF-IITE Experts Forum and SEAMEO WTD e-Festival: Celebrating World Teachers’ Day 2021

  Bangkok, Thailand: To celebrate the values and hard work of teachers for the World Teachers’ Day (WTD) 2021, SEAMEO Secretariat in coll...

SEAMEO and New Zealand Co-hosted the First Master Class on Education Technology and Digital Security

  Bangkok, Thailand: SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with Education New Zealand (ENZ) hosted the first SEAMEO-New Zealand Master Class on ...

Disability-Inclusive Teaching in Emergency (DTeEm) Course Launched

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) Secretariat, in close collaboration with UNESCO Bangkok, launched the online course ...

SEA-PLM 2019: Discussing new evidence on learning - Policy Roundtable: Girls’ and boys’ learning (Virtual)

23 September 2021The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) Secretariat, co-chaired by Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organi...


Bangkok, Thailand: SEAMEO Secretariat hosted the SEAMEO Executive Committee (EC) Meeting virtually via zoom on 27 August 2021 at 09.30-11.30 hrs (BK...

SEAMEO-ASEAN Synergised Education Agenda for the Southeast Asian Region

The SEAMEO Secretariat (SEAMES) hosted the 10th SEAMEO-ASEAN   Secretariats Coordination Meeting virtually on 18 August 2021. The Meeting was cha...

SEAMEO-TTF- UNESCO IITE Launched Action Agenda to Improve Competencies of Teachers and Learners in Disadvantaged Areas

  30 July 2021 - SEAMEO, International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (TTF), and UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Ed...

SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting: Reimagine the Future, 21 July 2021

In response to the COVID-19 challenges in 2021, the annual SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting (CDM) 2021 was virtually conducted on 21 July 2021. The me...

SEAMEO Launches Three Virtual Academic and Cultural Mobility Programmes in 2021

  8 July 2021 - Over 110 educational institutions expressed interests to participate in the SEAMEO Virtual Academic and Cultural Mobility Progra...

SEAMEO-TTF-UNESCO IITE Launch Action Agenda to Improve Competencies of Teachers and Learners in Disadvantaged Areas

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building, 920 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: ...

PRESS RELEASE: SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting 2021: Reimagine the Future, 21 July 2021

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building, 920 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: ...

Singapore Hosts the First Virtual 51st SEAMEO Council Conference 2021

The Ministry of Education, Singapore in cooperation with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat convened the f...

11 Ministers Announce ‘Commitment to Action’ at SDEM 5

The Ministry of Education, Singapore in collaboration with the SEAMEO Secretariat virtually hosted the 5th Strategic Dialogue for Education Ministe...

The SEAMEO-UNESCO Coordination Meeting

Bangkok, Thailand. The SEAMEO Secretariat and UNESCO Bangkok convened the SEAMEO-UNESCO Coordination Meeting on 4 June 2021. This annual meeting was...

Morocco, First Arab and African Country to be Granted SEAMEO 'Associate Member' Status

17 June 2021 - Morocco was granted, unanimously, the status of Associate Member of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) ...

PRESS RELEASE: Proclamation of the Kingdom of Morocco as an Associate Member Country of SEAMEO

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building, 920 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: ...

PRESS RELEASE: Presentation of SEAMEO Affiliate Membership Certificate to British Columbia Council for International Education (BCCIE), Canada

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building, 920 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: ...

PRESS RELEASE: Singapore hosts the first virtual 51st SEAMEO Council Conference 2021

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building, 920 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: ...

Virtual SEAMEO Awarding Ceremony in Cooperation with the Government of Australia and Japan

  The SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment, and the Ministry of Ed...

“Get inspiration and innovations from the Stories of Success on Building Back Better during the Pandemic”

Participants around the world are watching SEAMEO-Partners Lecture Series   Teachers and students from Southeast Asia shared 157 Stories of S...


  Leaders and Experts Set to Gather for SEAMEO Congress 2021 Platform for conversations on transforming Southeast Asian Education, Science ...

20 SEAMEO Partners shared expertise with over 110,000 participants in SEAMEO-Partners Lecture Series

Participants around the world are watching SEAMEO-Partners Lecture Series   The SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with 20 international par...

The Official Launch of Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) 2019 Results

Bangkok, Thailand: SEA-PLM Secretariat, co-chaired by United Nations Children’s Fund East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (UNICEF EAPRO) and S...

The First- Virtual 43rd SEAMEO High Officials Meeting

The first- ever online 43rd SEAMEO High Officials Meeting (HOM) which marked the SEAMEO’s fifty-five anniversary was successfully convened on ...

Myanmar hosts 9th Annual Forum for High Officials of Basic Education of SEAMEO Member Countries and Associate Members Countries (Virtual)

Theme: School Reopening and Rehabilitation Strategy for COVID-19 in Southeast Asia 17 September 2020 Bangkok, Thailand. To maximise educational eff...

Filling the gaps: SEA-TEACHER and SEA-TVET Network reached out for Innovative Video Lecture Series

Approximately 105 innovative lecture clips from teachers under the SEA-TVET and SEA-Teacher Network in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailan...

Malaysia Chairs SEAMEO Executive Committee Meeting 2020

Bangkok, Thailand. The SEAMEO Executive Committee (EC) Meeting was held on 21 August 2020 virtually on the timely leadership of Malaysia as SEAMEO ...

SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting (CDM) 2020 (Virtual)

-The First Virtual CDM in the history of SEAMEO- In response to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, travel restrictions, and social distancing measu...

Press Release Post-SEAMEO Ministerial Policy e-Forum

The SEAMEO Council President/Senior Minister of Education, Malaysia H E Dr Radzi Jidin and SEAMEO Secretariat, together with all the Education Minist...

SEAMEO Joins UNESCO Global Education Coalition for COVID-19 Response

... SEAMEO Joins UNESCO Global Education Coalition for COVID-19 Response ...

SEAMEO Webinar Series on SEAMEO Response to Covid-19 Pandemic

SEAMEO Secretariat has launched the SEAMEO Webinar Series to provide a platform for experts, education stakeholders and educators to discuss the res...

SEAMEO Joins UNESCO Global Education Coalition for COVID-19 Response


SEAMEO-The University of Tsukuba Symposium VIII: Education for Inclusive Growth on 4th Industrial Revolution for Society 5.0

The University of Tsukuba Japan as one of the active Affiliate member of SEAMEO has worked collaboratively in many areas with SEAMEO Secretariat sin...

Information and guidance from WHO and SEAMEO Member Countries regarding the current outbreak of COVID-19


Regional Experts Consultation Meeting on SEAMEO Strategic Plan 2021-2030

  BANGKOK, 15-16 January 2020 -- SEAMEO Secretariat hosted the Regional Expert Consultation Meeting on SEAMEO Strategic Plan 2021-2030, which to...

Consultation Meeting on the SEAMEO Strategic Plan (2021 – 2030) on Science and Culture

  BANGKOK, 9-10 January 2020 -- The Southeast Asian Countries have set for themselves the goal of achieving an integrated ASEAN Community. Throu...

5th SEA-TVET Student Exchange and 1st SEA-TVET Teacher Exchange Starting in 2020

The 6th SEAMEO Polytechnic Network Meeting with the theme ‘Agreement for SEA-TVET Network Action Plan’ was hosted by Duy Tan University ...

Experts Meeting on Higher Education and Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications in Southeast Asia

Higher education mobility is fundamental to regional prosperity, while equal access to quality higher education is essential for peace and stability. ...

Global Citizenship Education (GCED) Workshop

Sub-Regional Workshop on Global Citizenship Education in Southeast Asia: A Way to Secure Peaceful and Sustainable in Southeast Asia   A three-d...

8th Annual Forum for High Officials of Basic Education

Opening Ceremony presenting the flag of participating countries   The SEAMEO Secretariat, in collaboration with Pibulsongkram Rajabhat Univ...

The 42nd SEAMEO High Officials Meeting (SEAMEO HOM)

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) works hand in hand with the 11 SEAMEO Member Countries to improve quality and equit...

The 8th Evaluation Meeting of Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia (SEA-Teacher Project)

Opening Ceremony presenting the flag of participating countries   The SEAMEO Secretariat, in collaboration with Pibulsongkram Rajabhat Univ...

Ministry of Education of Brunei Darussalam hosted 5th High Officials Meeting on SEA-TVET

The 5th High Officials Meeting (HOM) on Southeast Asia - Technical and Vocational Education and Training (SEA-TVET) with the theme of “Strengt...

142 Bilateral Agreements were signed at the 3rd Partnership Workshop of SEAMEO-China TVET Cultural Twinning Programme

The 3rd Partnership Workshop SEAMEO-China TVET Cultural Twinning Programme was organized on 25-26 July 2019 in Guiyang, PR China, back to back with ...

SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting (CDM) 2019

The SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting (CDM) 2019 was successfully held in Nikko Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand from 6 to 8 August 2019. The meeting served...

The 4th Strategic Dialogue for the Education Ministers

During the 50th SEAMEO Council Conference, the 4th Strategic Dialogue of Education Ministers (4th SDEM) was convened on 24 July 2019 to provide a p...

Malaysia hosts 50th SEAMEO Council Conference

The Ministry of Education, Malaysia in collaboration with SEAMEO Secretariat, hosted the largest gathering of Ministers of Education in Southeast As...

The Signing of SEAMEO STEM-ED and SEPS Memorandum of Agreement

The Ministry of Education Thailand signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) to...

The 7th Evaluation Meeting of Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia

The SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) organized the 7th Evaluation Meeting for Pre-Service Student Teacher Ex...

126 TVET Institutions Gathered for the Agreement of the 4th Batch of SEA-TVET Student Exchange Programme

126 TVET Institutions Gathered for the Agreement of the 4th Batch of SEA-TVET Student Exchange Programme The 5th SEAMEO Polytechnic Network Meeting w...

8th SEAMEO-ASEAN Secretariats Coordination Meeting

The SEAMEO Secretariat and ASEAN Secretariat convened the 8th SEAMEO-ASEAN Secretariats Coordination Meeting on 12 May 2019 at the Shangri-La Hotel, C...

SEA-PLM 2019 begins in Myanmar

Capacity building workshop in Myanmar Led through the cooperative tradition among Ministries of Education in the region, SEA-PLM is a project jointly...

Behind the scenes of SEA-PLM

Grade 5 students in the Philippines complete the SEA-PLM assessment. The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) and the United ...


The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat announced today, as testament to its support for QUALITY AND EQUALITY i...

Special Diplomatic Briefing on Education in Southeast Asia

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) is a regional intergovernmental organization established in 1965The mission of...

3rd High Officials Meeting on SEA-TVET was hosted by Ministry of Education, Malaysia on 23-25 May 2017, Kuala Lumpur

The 3rd High Officials Meeting (HOM) on Southeast Asia - Technical and Vocational Education and Training (SEA-TVET) with the theme of21st Century ...

SEA-TVET Workshop for Curriculum Harmonisation and Internship: Indonesia-Thailand Collaboration was held at Phetchaburi Vocational College on 21-22 March 2017

The Office of the Vocational Education Commission (OVEC) in collaboration with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization organised a SEA...

13th SEAMEO - University of Tsukuba Symposium

  A. Background Since its inception as an Affiliate Member of the Southeast Asian Min...

SEA-TVET Workshop on Integrating Digital Learning and Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism

The SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with the SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Education Centre (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC) and the Technical and Vocation...

3rd SEAMEO KM Learning and Sharing Forum: AI-driven Knowledge Management

Concept Note 15 and 22 August 2024 The 2nd SEAMEO KM Learning and Sharing Forum wa...

SEA-TVET Workshop on Hospitality, Health Care (Nursing), and Creative Industry was held to discuss on curriculum harmonisation in Indonesia

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Republic of Indonesia organis...

SEAMEO - University of Tsukuba Teacher e-Training Series

.accordion-button:not(.collapsed) { background-color: #d0d1ff!important; } .accordion-button:focus { border-color: #4D3285!important; } ...

Young SEA-TVET to the Future

The Symposium with the theme œLearning and Sharing towards Internationalisation and Harmonisation  was hosted by Office of the Vocational Commissi...

SEAMEO Policy Research and Publication Capacity Building Workshop

Concept Note Documents 27-28 March 2024 The SEAMEO Policy Research and Publicati...

SEA TVET - Japan Partnership Strengthening through KOSEN

National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Japan in collaboration with SEAMEO Secretariat hosted High Officials Country-Level Workshop on Southeast Asi...

12th SEAMEO - University of Tsukuba Symposium

  A. Background Since its inception as an Affiliate Member of the Southeast Asian Min...

2nd High Officials Meeting on SEA-TVET held by Indonesia

Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia hosted the 2nd High Officials Meeting on SEA-TVET under the theme œStrengthening Effo...

SEAMEO High Officials Meeting and GEM Report Launch Showcase Collaborative Efforts in Advancing Education and Technology in Southeast Asia

.hideold { display: none; } #float{ float: right; width: 350px; padding: 10px 20px 20px 20px; } .vertical-images { float: l...

SEAMEO and GIZ Formalise Cooperation in TVET and higher education

Dr Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat and Mr Peter Palesch, Country Director of Indonesia, Timor-Leste and ASEAN of GIZ Jakarta O...

UNESCO GEM Report Launches Report on Technology in Southeast Asian Education: #TechOnOurTerms Placing Learners and Teachers at the Heart of EdTech Reforms

.hideold { display: none; } #float{ float: right; width: 350px; padding: 10px 20px 20px 20px; } .vertical-images { float: l...

SEA-TVET Country Level Workshop Held in Philippines on 3-4 May 2016

130 leaders of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thai...


  Article Template - Download 1. Background The changes in the digital landscape were already taking shape ev...

Ministers of Education from SEAMEO Member Countries Meet in Bandung for 2nd Strategic Dialogue for Education Ministers (SDEM)

BANDUNG--On April 28, 2016, Ministers of Education representing the 11 SEAMEO Member Countries met in Bandung, Indonesia for the Strategic Dialogue of...

Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning (OFDL)

Register now 30 August 2023, 15.00-16.00 GMT+7, BKK Time The International Council fo...

Winner of 2015 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award Visited Japan

The study visit programme was part of the 1st Prize of the Award. Organised by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEX...

The SEA Teacher Project

... The SEA Teacher Project, also known as the "Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia." This initiative is dedicated to fosteri...

SEAMEO and MOEC jointly organised workshop for ECCE and Parenting

The two-day meeting brought scholars from several international organisations to share their expertise on the current global and regional situations a...

2nd SEAMEO Knowledge Management Learning and Sharing Forum

  A. Background The 1st SEAMEO Training Workshop on Knowledge Management (KM) as a part of the initiatives under the SEAMEO Strategic Plan 2...

Thai and Indonesian Schools hold online meeting for SEA Digital Class and Partnership Development

SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with SEAMEO Regional Centre for Distance and Open Learning (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC), Indonesia organised the SEAMEO Schoo...

2023 Global Education Monitoring Report

... Download GEM Regional Report 2023 on Technology and Education: A Comprehensiv...

SEAMEO Council President visits Malaysia and Singapore

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) Council President and Minister of Education, Thailand, H E General Dapong Ratanasuwan, vi...

SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Teacher e-Training Series

  The University of Tsukuba (UT), Japan has been one of the SEAMEO Affiliate Members since 2009.   Since its inception, the University of T...

Promoting opportunity for student teachers to teach in other countries

The Meeting took place at Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University on 27 February 2016. The morning session focused on evaluation of the first batch stude...

SEAMEO Strategic Plan

... SEAMEO, in order to enhance education and human resource development in the region, needs a framework that outlines the goals, priorities, and actions...

SEAMEO and Germany ink agreement for Fit for School Programme

The ceremony which took place at the Residence of the German Ambassador on South Sathorn Road, Bangkok, Thailand was attended by Dr Gatot Hari Priowir...

One Health Education: Promoting a Holistic Approach to Health in Schools

.hideold { display: none; } #float{ float: left; width: 450px; padding: 10px 20px 20px 20px; } .show { disp...

The Visit of the ASEAN-China Centre led by the Secretary-General Madame Yang Xiuping, 25 January 2016

The delegates of ASEAN-China Centre include Madame Yang Xiuping (Secretary-General), Mr Tri Purnajaya (Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Divi...

SEAMEO-Singapore Students Challenge (SSSC)

  1. Background The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a revolution in the way we live, work a...

The Orientation to Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University students for SEA-Teacher programme at SEAMEO Secretariat Organization

10 Thai students from Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University Under the Royal Patronage came to SEAMEO Secretariat Organization on 18 Jan 2016 for the or...

SEA-Teacher Student Exchange Summit

  A. Background In October 2014, the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education through the...

SEAMEO Workshops on the New Education Agenda: 7 Priority Areas

The meeting was participated by SEAMEO Centre Directors, Ministry of Education and Culture Indonesia, Indonesian teacher education institutions, Indon...

SEAMEO Schools' Network Summit (Virtual) on “The Future of Teaching and Learning”

  A. Background The SEAMEO SchoolsNetwork was first established since 2015 and has...

SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting 2015 Convened

The CDM 2015 was followed by The Mid-Term Review Meeting on 10 June 2015 at Anantara Bangkok Riverside Resort & SPA in Bankok, Thailand to analyze...

Webinar on Moving Forward with Online, Flexible and Distance Learning (OFDL)

  A. Background The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) recogn...

SEAMEO Signs MoU with Korean Education Development Institute (KEDI)

Relationship between SEAMEO and KEDI started as early as in 2005, with project based partnerships with SEAMEO INNOTECH. Seeing the potential for furth...

11th SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Symposium

  A. Background Since its inception as an Affiliate Member of the Southeast Asian Min...

Presentation of SEAMEO Affiliate Membership Certificate to China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE)

The certificate was presented to CEAIE by the 48th SEAMEO Council President, H E Admiral Narong Pipathanasai, Minister of Education, Thailand and CEAI...

Webinar in Celebration of the International Day of Education, “To Invest in People, Prioritize Education”

  A. Background The fifth International Day of Education will be celebrated on 24 Janua...

Thailand hosts 48th SEAMEO Council Conference

As host of the Conference, Thailand espoused a policy forum on the theme œDigital Learning for Creating Future Global Citizens  which was led by ...

SEAMEO Youth Network

  1. BACKGROUND The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) recogn...

Courtesy visit of Dr Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, The New Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, to H E Admiral Narong Pipathanasai, the Minister of Education, Thailand.

H E Admiral Narong Pipathanasai welcomed and congratulated Dr Gatot Hari Priowirjanto on his appointment and confirmed the Thai Government ™s support...

Award Presentation Ceremony (Virtual)

  1) Background The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) will ...

Winner of 2014 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award Visited Japan

The study visit programme was part of the prize for the 1st prize winner of the SEAMEO-Japan ESD 2014 Award. It was organised by the Ministry of Educa...

SEAMEO Youth Voices Webinar: Listening to the Youth, Reimagining the World

  A. BACKGROUND The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) recogni...

University of Tsukuba and SEAMEO Plan Collaborative Activities on Food, Health and Environment

Five experts from the faculties of Life and Environmental Science, Agriculture and Medicine of the University of Tsukuba participated in the one-day m...

SEAMEO Research University Network (SEA-RUN) Inaugural Meeting

  1. Background and Rationale In response to the demand of education and challenges brou...

SEAMEO Secretariat, SEAMEO RECSAM and UNICEF EAPRO hold Regional Consultative Meetings on SEAMEO Basic Education Standards and Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics

The purpose of the meetings was to take stock of global, regional and national developments in curriculum and educational standards with a view to dev...

7 Priority Areas on Education

div.b { box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); transition: transform .2s; } div.b:hov...

SEAMEO Brings Various Sectors to Rethink Education in Southeast Asia

Addressing the theme œSoutheast Asia in Transition: Re-thinking Education, Science and Culture for Regional Integration , the SEAMEO Congress gene...

Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report 2023, Technology and Education in Southeast Asia

  The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization and the Global Education Monitoring Report will partner for the preparatio...

First SEAMEO Youth Forum Sparks Passion for ASEAN Communityhood among Southeast Asian Youth Leaders

When asked about her reflection after the four-day forum that was highlighted by a mix of interactive activities such as panel discussions, workshops,...

World Teachers’ Day 2022

  A. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES The celebration of World Teachers’ Day 2022 will sp...

SEAMEO and UNICEF EAPRO Launch Initiative on Primary Learning Metric for Southeast Asia

The launch was attended by the ministers of education and high officials from six SEAMEO Member Countries, including Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao ...

Southeast Asian Education Leaders Identify Seven Post-2015 Education Priorities

Dubbed as œStrategic Dialogue of Education Ministers , the one-day meeting that was attended by 32 high-level education officials including educat...

2nd SEAMEO-QS Higher Education Forum

  A. Background The SEAMEO Secretariat and QS Quacquarelli Symonds of United Kingdom o...

Vietnam Chairs SEAMEO Executive Committee Meeting 2014

As Chair, Associate Professor Dr Pham Quang Hung, Acting Director General of International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Education and Training,...


  Announcement of Winners  The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat expresses our appreciation ...

SEAMEO Centre Directors 2014 Convened

The CDM serves as platform for discussions among SEAMEO Centres on programmatic and operational issues, as well as a venue to engage partners for coll...

Webinar on Transforming Literacy Learning Spaces

  A. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES International Literacy Day (ILD) has been celebrated around the...

36th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting convened

H E Mr Chaturon Chaisaeng, Minister of Education of Thailand presided over the opening ceremony on 19 February 2014 and addressed over a hundred educa...


  1. Background Initiating more substantial efforts for lifelong learning helps to withstand the concept of ne...

SEAMEO collaborates with various partners to determine Post-2015 education agenda in Southeast Asia

Dubbed as the œSEAMEO Study and Development of Post-2015 Education Scenarios and Post-EFA Agenda in Southeast Asia , the initiative utilizes fores...

2nd SEAMEO Youth Action (SEAYA) Contest on VUCA World

  ANNOUNCEMENT: The Winners of 2nd SEAMEO Youth Action (SEAYA) Contest on VUCA World The SEAMEO Secretariat would like to express its ...

SEAMEO Co-organizes 5th Asia Education Leaders Forum and WorldDIDAC Asia Exhibition 2013

H E Mr Chaturon Chaisang, Minister of Education, Thailand presided over the opening ceremony of the international activity which is now on its fifth y...

Integrating Sustainable Innovation Culture among Students in the Classroom

  A. Background Innovation Culture is one of the main emphasis in 21st Century Learning, su...

SEAMEO Co-Organizes 6th China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week

This year ™s theme of the Education Cooperation Week between China and ASEAN was œPragmatic Cooperation, Harmonious Development and Mutual Prosperi...

Diplomatic Briefing on SEAMEO’s Strategic Plans and Action Agenda 2021-2025

  1. Background The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) is a regional intergovernmental organisation establish...

SEAMEO promotes classroom research practices in adopted schools in Thailand

After more than a year of intervention, the teachers were gathered again on 25 August 2013 at the Ban Subsanoon School, Saraburi Province, Thailand fo...

SEAMEO KM Learning and Sharing Forum

  A. Background The First SEAMEO Training Workshop on Knowledge Management (KM) as a part of the initiatives under the SEAMEO Strategic...

Sixth SEAMEO Executive Committee Meeting convened

Members of the SEAMEO Executive Committee include high officials from five SEAMEO Member Countries namely Brunei Darussalam, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Thaila...

Workshop: National Policies on Lifelong Learning toward Sustainability in Southeast Asia (Virtual)

  CONTEXT Lifelong learning plays a significant role in building a learning society toward a nation's economic development. Education sh...

Thailand affirms support to SEAMEO College

In a speech, Dr Sombat Suwanpitak, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Thailand stated that SEAMEO College is a timely initiative that ...

SEAMEO-AUS EduLink Webinar on ePortfolios in Education

  A. Introduction The SEAMEO-AUS EduLink Project on ePortfolios in Education ...

SEAMEO Signs MOU with ASEAN-China Centre

Cooperation between SEAMEO and ACC started in 2012 when the SEAMEO Secretariat participated in the 5th China ASEAN Education Cooperation Week in Octob...

SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Teacher e-Training Series

  The University of Tsukuba (UT), Japan is one of the SEAMEO Affiliate Members since 2009.   Since its inception, the University of Tsukuba ...

SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting 2013 held

Dr Witaya Jeradechakul, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat and Chair of the SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting 2013 emphasized the importance of the meeting ...

2nd SEAMEO-New Zealand Master Class

  A. Background The COVID-19 pandemic caused a revolution in the way we live, work and lear...

SEAMEO Member Countries discuss strategies to accelerate attainment of EFA Goals

The meeting brought together SEAMEO Member Countries that volunteered to lead and participate in the implementation of each of the 10 collaborative pr...

49 lecturers and students from Indonesia University of Education visit SEAMEO Secretariat

Dr Witaya Jeradechakul, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat delivers a presentation entitled "Quality Development and Quality Assurance" to the postgraduat...

Joint SEAMEO-UNESCO workshop on publication production held

Important issues in producing publications were also discussed such as style, rights and contracts, budgeting, plagiarism, e-publication and others. I...

SEA-PLM 2019: Discussing New Evidence on Learning Policy Roundtable: Supporting teachers to improve learning (Virtual)

  Document to download: Concept Note and programme CONTEXT As Southeast Asian countries continue to ...

Greater collaboration and new partnerships forged at SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting 2011

The CDM 2011 was convened on 5-7 July 2011 at the S31 Sukhumvit Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand with 68 participants comprising the Centre Directors and key ...

SEAMEO participates in 12th Regional Meeting of National EFA Coordinators

Discussions focused on 1) using data and evidence for improved policy and learning; 2) making education more relevant and responsive to the needs of n...

SEAMEO and ASEAN Secretariats Hold Third Coordination Meeting

Among others, the two Secretariats provided updates on their respective priorities and activities on education and discussed ways to support SEAMEO-AS...

10th SEAMEO - University of Tsukuba Symposium Theme: Teacher Education in the Past, Current and Challenges for Future Sub-theme: Reimagining Teacher Education in the New Normal Post-COVID-19

  Click for Free Registration by 7 February 2022 Download Programme   Join the Session by SEAMEO YouTube Live On 10, 11, 12...

SEAMEO Discusses Partnership and CSR in Southeast Asia

Dialogue participants from the private sector include multinational companies and prominent private corporations based in the Philippines such as Inte...

SEAMEO Special Webinar on International Day of Education Theme: Changing Course, Transforming Education

  Join YouTube Live Session Download Agenda BACKGROUND The international community has never fel...

SEAMEO and ADEA discuss prospective collaboration on education between Southeast Asia and Africa

During the meeting, SEAMEO and ADEA compared and matched their respective priority areas and programmes to find commonalities and shared interests. Te...

SEAMEO MOOCS Network Policy Dialogue 2021 Theme: The Futures of Higher Education and Open Learning in Southeast Asia

  Introduction In 2018, the SEAMEO Council of Ministers has approved the organization of the Southeast Asian Massive Open On-Line Course...

SEAMEO and Germany Sign MOU on Health Care in Schools

Essentially, the project will promote simple and cost-effective Essential Health Care Package (EHCP) in public elementary schools, preschools and day ...

SEAMEO Holds Briefing on Education Cooperation and Innovation for Diplomatic Community in Thailand

Primarily, the briefing presented to the diplomatic corps in Thailand "SEAMEO College", a brand new project of SEAMEO that introduces a platform for h...

SEA-PLM 2019: Discussing New Evidence on Learning Policy Roundtable: Low Performing Readers (Virtual)

  Document to download: Concept Note and programme CONTEXT As Southeast Asian countries continue to ...

SEAMEO Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Organization of Ibero American States for Education, Science and Culture

Priority areas of cooperation between the two organizations include education for all including, multilingual education, information and communication...

The 6th High Officials Meeting on SEA-TVET Theme: Technological transformation and the digitalisation of TVET systems

Related Documents: Concept Note Programme Exhibitors and Breakout Sessions Bac...

SEAMEO Secretariat Conducts Workshop Series on Classroom Research for Schools in Thailand

The workshop series aims to provide practical knowledge and skills to teachers in conducting their own classroom research with students, including res...

SEAMEO-Partner Series

  The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a revolution in the way we live, work, and learn. Particularly, the COVID-19 has changed the educational lan...

Vietnam Hosts 47th SEAMEO Council Conference

During the Ministerial Round Table Meeting, important resolution of the SEAMEO Education Ministers include increased focus and support on the educatio...

SEAMEO-UNESCO-TTF-IITE Experts Forum and SEAMEO WTD e-Festival: Celebrating World Teachers’ Day 2021 Theme: Teachers at the Heart of Education Recovery

  - Document for Downloading - Concept Note Programme Social Media Banner Web Banner A. INTRODUCTION ...

Thailand Hosts Third SEAMEO Annual Forum on Basic Education

The forum brought more than 20 high-level officials and representatives from the SEAMEO Member Countries and Associate Members namely Brunei Darussala...

SEAMEO Innovative Teaching Festival Theme: Teachers at the Heart of Education Recovery

  Documents to download Congratulations Banner Announcement of Outstanding Video Clips Concept Note To celebrate the values of teacher...

SEAMEO Secretariat organizes training for teachers on use of interactive whiteboad in teaching

The training course which is under the Teacher Capacity Building Programme of the SEAMEO Community Involvement Project aimed to improve teaching skill...

SEA-PLM 2019: Discussing new evidence on learning Policy Roundtable: Girls’ and boys’ learning (Virtual)

  Documents to download Concept Note CONTEXT As Southeast Asian countries continue to respond to the demands o...

SEAMEO RETRAC Holds Governing Board Meeting and Commemorates 15th Founding Anniversary

The activities were attended by the chair and members of the Governing Board of SEAMEO RETRAC who are high-level officials from SEAMEO Member Countrie...

Virtual Consultation Meeting on Global Citizenship Education for Southeast Asian Countries

  Click to download the documents: Concept Note   Back...

TTF-SEAMEO-UNESCO ITTE High-Level Forum on Teacher Competencies in the Digital Revolution: Reaching the Unreached

International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)–UNESCO Institute...

SEAMEO Secretariat contributes student scholarship and development funds to a school in Thailand

Early this year, the SEAMEO Secretariat discussed with the school director and key staff of the school, and assisted them in developing a school devel...

SEAMEO Partner Schools, Colleges and Universities Summit 2021 (Revisit)

  To provide opportunities for educational institutions to learn the practices on virtual academic and cultural mobility & exchange pro...

Delegation from the Government of Kenya visits SEAMEO Secretariat

Dr Witaya Jeradechakul, Director of the SEAMEO Secretariat received the Kenyan delegation and presented the profile of the Organization including the ...

SEAMEO INNOTECH Flexible Learning Tutors visit SEAMEO Secretariat

The visitors consisted of lecturers from higher education institutions in the Philippines and four education personnel from the National Institute for...

SEAMEO Pre-Congress Lecture Series

FREE Learning Event that You should not Miss! Save the date on 5 and 8 Apr 2021 09.30-11.00 hrs (BKK Time/GMT+7) ...

SEAMEO, UNICEF and UNESCO Join Hands and Hold Regional Consultation on a Prototype Framework for Measuring Learning Outcomes

The consultative meeting aimed to gather feedback from experts in Southeast Asia and Asia-Pacific on a prototype framework for measuring learning outc...