SEAMEO Secretariat

Leading through Learning

SEAMEO aims to uplift the quality of education, science, culture and to promote sustainable human resources for a better quality of life in Southeast Asia through enhancing understanding and cooperation, providing a platform for policy dialogues, and promoting program excellence.

Responsive Layout
Image Health and Well-being

The Role of Parents in Using Digital Media to Foster Children’s Language Development

Dear Parents, Did you know that in today’s digital era, media has become an integral part of daily life, not only for adults but also for children? With the rapid production and accessibility of digit...
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Image Health and Well-being

Parenting Styles, Communication, and Confidence – How Can Teenagers Be Involved in Family Decisions?

Dear Parents, did you know that the way we communicate and nurture our children significantly impacts their confidence? Recent studies reveal that parenting styles and communication patterns within th...
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Policy and Governance in Education

Thailand’s Education Transformation
The Road to Zero Dropouts

In the 2023 academic year, 1.02 million Thai children dropped out of the education system. When discussing this issue, many people might envision small schools in remote rural areas, where students ar...
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