The SEAMEO Service Award was conferred to 21 outstanding officers from the SEAMEO Regional Centres/Network and the Secretariat. During the Awarding Ceremony, Dr Witaya Jeradechakul, SEAMEO Secretariat Director, shared some points on the significance of the Award to SEAMEO and how the outstanding performance and accomplishments of the awardees contributed to the success of the Organization.

The SEAMEO Service Awards was approved at the 38th SEAMEO Council Conference. It was launched with aim of providing recognition and appreciation to staff members of the SEAMEO Units who demonstrate exceptionally high level of achievement in work performance, innovation and creativity, professionalism and commitment that contribute to the success of the Organization's mission and goals. Each SEAMEO Unit selects the recipient of the SEAMEO Service Awards annually based on a set of agreed criteria.

In accordance with the resolution of the Ministerial Round Table Meeting at the 46th SEAMEO Council Conference in Brunei Darussalam, January 2011, the SEAMEO Council Conference will be held every two years from 2011 onwards. The SEAMEO Service Awards will be conducted biennially. The awarding ceremony for the SEAMEO Service Awards will be held during SEAMEO Council Conference. The next SEAMEO Service Awards will be in fiscal year 2012-2013; and the awarding ceremony will be in 2013 during the 47th SEAMEO Council Conference.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam, the Welcome Session was conducted for all the awardees after the Opening Ceremony of the 47th SEAMEO Council Conference on 20 March 2013 at Daewoo Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam. Dr Tinsiri Siribodhi, Deputy Director for Administration and Communication of the SEAMEO Secretariat, welcomed and congratulated the awardees. A SEAMEO video on the activities of SEAMEO Service Awardees was presented. During the session, the Awardees shared their own valued experiences and contributions to the organization.

A city tour was also organized for the SEAMEO Service Awardees on 21 March 2013.

The 2012/2013 SEAMEO Service Awardees

The SEAMEO Service Awardees pose in a group photo with H E Prof Dr Pham Vu Luan, Minister of Education and Training, Vietnam and Dr Witaya Jeradechakul, SEAMEO Secretariat Director.


The SEAMEO Service awardees enjoy the city tour in Hanoi, Vietnam.


Centres Name of Awardees
SEAMEO INNOTECH Ms Leonora D Cabatian
SEAMEO QITEP in Language Mr Iin Sodikin
SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics Mr Suhananto
SEAMEO QITEP in Sciences Ms Lili Indarti
SEAMEO RECFON Mr Sukardinata
SEAMEO RECSAM Ms Che Om binti Md Hassan
SEAMEO RELC Mr Mohan s/o Subramanian
SEAMEO RIHED Ms Thanthakorn Phuangsawat
SEAMEO SEARCA Mr Delfin Tabino Paz
SEAMEO SPAFA Mrs Jittipha Jaiboon
SEAMEO TROPMED/Network Mrs Amnuay Sangkaram
SEAMEO TROPMED/Malaysia Ms Koay Ai Suan
SEAMEO TROPMED/Philippines Ms Elena Andino Villacorte
  Mr Perico B Evangelista
SEAMEO TROPMED/Thailand Mrs Chiraporn Praevanit
SEAMEO VOCTECH Mr Mohamad Kasim Haji Abd Rahman
SEAMEO Secretariat Mrs Rassarin Somvaraseth
Profiles of Awardees for 2012/2013
Mr Harry Imantho

Master Degree on Information Technology for Natural Resources

Bogor Agricultural University

Current Workplace SEAMEO BIOTROP
Jalan Raya Tajur Km 6
Bogor, West Java 16134
Tel: +62 (251) 832 3848
Fax: +62 (251) 832 6851
Commencing Date 1 January 2003
Commencing Position MIT Lab Administrator
Current position Information Technology and Information Resource Unit Head
Work Ethic Good attitude, commitment, and professionalism are always in my mind, because those are the most important factors for the successfulness. Commitment to meet the schedule and appointment, good attitude, and always try to do the best will produce the extraordinary outcome/ results/ products. Always try to give more than what their expected.
Personal Motto “Do the best and be the best”
Mr Myo Aung

M A (History)

University of Yangon

Current Workplace SEAMEO CHAT
Thiri Hall, Pyay Road,
Yangon 11041
Tel: +95 (1) 515 180
Fax: +95 (1) 515 175
Commencing Date 1 April 2002
Commencing Position Senior Programme Officer
Current position Centre Director
Work Ethic Hard working, always draws good plans and makes best implementation on every Centre’s programmes and activities
Personal Motto Transparency in work
Ms Leonora D Cabatian

BSBA in Junior Secretariat
National College of Business and Arts

Current Workplace SEAMEO INNOTECH
Commonwealth Avenue,
Diliman, Quezon City 1101
Tel: +63 (2) 924-7681 to 84
Fax: +63 (2) 928-7692
Commencing Date Year 1995
Commencing Position Secretary
Current position Associate, Learning and Training Development Unit
Work Ethic I take pride in my work – providing administrative support to all learning programs that are oftentimes scheduled to run after another. The objective is to ensure that these programs will run smoothly starting from the pre-arrival arrangements until the program completion report and filing of project files in accordance with the ISO processes. I believe in completed staff work.
Personal Motto As part of the team running the learning programs in the Center, I am too a servant leader – as I selflessly put my heart at the centre of activities which I am a part of.
Mr Iin Sodikin
Education Vocational High School
SMK Teladan Jakarta
Current Workplace SEAMEO QITEP in Language
Jalan Gardu, Srengseng Sawah,
Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan 12640
Tel: +62 (21) 7888 4106
Fax: +62 (21) 7888 4073
Commencing Date 1 March 2010
Commencing Position Technical Staff
Current position Technical Staff
Work Ethic In my opinion honesty is the best policy
Personal Motto Commitment and dedication to the Centre
Mr Suhananto
Education Bachelor Degree on Art Education
Yogyakarta State University (UNY)
Current Workplace SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics
Jalan Kaliurang Km 6, Sambisari,
Condongcatur, Depok,
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283
Tel: +62 (274) 889 987
Fax: +62 (274) 887 222
Commencing Date 12 July 2010
Commencing Position Graphic Designer
Current position Graphic Designer
Work Ethic Be discipline and honest
Personal Motto Be yourself, be brave, and be responsible
Ms Lili Indarti

Master of Humaniora/Graduate Programme of English Linguistics
Universitas Padjadjaran

Current Workplace SEAMEO QITEP in Sciences
Jalan Diponegoro No 12,
Bandung 40115, West Java,
Tel: +62 (22) 421 8739
Fax: +62 (22) 421 8749
Commencing Date 13 July 2009
Commencing Position Administration Staff/ Secretary
Current position Secretary
Work Ethic
  • Follow the working rules in the centre. Work according to it
  • Use working time effectively.
  • Coordinate things with related units, mainly with the direct leaders.
  • Have good relations with others in the centre.
  • Put priorities in doing assignments.
Personal Motto Serious and focus for humongous results.
Mr Sukardinata

Elementary School

Current Workplace SEAMEO RECFON
Jalan Salemba Raya No 6,
Jakarta Pusat 10430
Tel: +62 (21) 3193 0205; 391 3932
Fax: +62 (21) 391 3933
Commencing Date 10 August 1981
Commencing Position Office Attendant
Current position Office Attendant
Work Ethic Always to be honest, Work with full spirit
Personal Motto Tomorrow will be better than today. Don’t postpone until tomorrow what you can do today.
Ms Che Om binti Md Hassan
Education Malaysian Certificate of Education
SMJK Tunku Puan Habsah, Penang
Current Workplace SEAMEO RECSAM
Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah,
11700 Gelugor, Penang
Tel: +60 (4) 652 2700
Fax: +60 (4) 652 2737
Commencing Date 5 April 1976
Commencing Position Assistant Clerical Officer
Current position Administration Assistant
Work Ethic Committed, Efficient and Trustworthy
Personal Motto To contribute and give excellent service in my daily performance
Mr Mohan s/o Subramanian
Education ‘O’ Level
Sekolah Menengah Aminuddin Baki Johor Bahru
Current Workplace SEAMEO RELC
30 Orange Grove Road,
Singapore 258352
Republic of Singapore
Tel: +65 6885 7888
Fax: +65 6734 2753
Commencing Date 15 March 2000
Commencing Position Front Office Assistant
Current position Front Office Assistant
Work Ethic Believe you can and you are halfway there.
Personal Motto Failure is success if we learn from it.
Mr Dinh Gia Bao
Education MSc in Educational Management
California State University
Current Workplace SEAMEO RETRAC
35 Le Thanh Ton, District 1,
Ho Chi Minh City,
Tel.: +84 (8) 3824 5618 ext 218
Fax: +84 (8) 3823 2175
Commencing Date 11 September 2003
Commencing Position Program Officer
Current position Deputy Dean (Department of Education)
Work Ethic Working for the sake of other people
Personal Motto Treat people the way you want them to treat you
Ms Thanthakorn Phuangsawat
Education Master of Business Administration
(Management and Organisation)
Dhurakitpundit University
Current Workplace SEAMEO RIHED
5th Floor, The Office of the Higher Education Commission Building 328 Sri Ayutthaya Road,
Rajathevee, Bangkok 10400
Tel.: +662 644 9856 to 63, 2644 5418
Fax: +662 644 5421
Commencing Date 1 December 1994
Commencing Position Executive Secretary
Current position Senior Programme Support Officer and Secretary to Centre Director
Work Ethic Follow the rules, respect my superiors, never give up, and value integrity above all else
Personal Motto Anything is possible and do all the best for all as much as I can
Ms Nurhaeti
Education Bachelor Degree of Management
Universitas Nasional (UNAS)
Current Workplace SEAMEO SEAMOLEC
Kompleks UT, Jalan Cabe Raya,
Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, 15418
P O Box 59/CPA, Ciputat 15401
Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: +62 (21) 742 2184
Fax: +62 (21) 742 2276
Commencing Date 1 January 2006
Commencing Position Administration/Finance Officer
Current position Training Officer
Work Ethic Usually show a positive attitude, never tolerate any other employee mistakes and very rarely (intentionally) violate rules and order.
Personal Motto Do your best
Mr Delfin Tabino Paz
Education Vocational Graduate
Rizal Technical School
Current Workplace SEAMEO SEARCA
College, Los Banos,
Laguna 4031
Tel: +63 (49) 536-2290
Fax: +63 (49) 536-2284
Commencing Date 1 October 1987
Commencing Position Electrician/Electrician AC Technician
Current position Electrical and Equipment Technician
Work Ethic Going beyond the extra mile and helping others for the betterment of the center
Personal Motto To achieve your goal, work hard, be honest and be efficient
Mrs Jittipha Jaiboon
Education Vocational Diploma
Siam Business School
Current Workplace SEAMEO SPAFA
81/1 Sri Ayuthaya Road
Samsen, Theves
Bangkok 10300
Tel: +662 280 4022-29
Fax: +662 280 4030
Commencing Date 7 December 1988
Commencing Position Janitor
Current position Assistant Secretary
Work Ethic No one is too old to learn. Don’t be afraid to learn something new. The more opportunities you give yourself the better your chances will be.
Personal Motto -
Mrs Amnuay Sangkaram
Education Bachelor Degree of Education
Rajabhat Nakonsawan University
Current Workplace SEAEMO TROPMED/Network
420/6 Ratchawithi Road,
Bangkok 10400
Tel: +662 354 9145-46
Fax: +662 354 9144
Commencing Date 18 August 2000
Commencing Position Clerk for Administrative Office
Current position Clerk for Administrative Office
Work Ethic
  • Being honest and sacrifice to job
  • Keep records of anything that need improving to achieve good quality
Personal Motto Think twice before you act once
Ms Koay Ai Suan
Education MCE
Institute for Medical Research (IMR), Kuala Lumpur
Current Workplace SEAMEO TROPMED/Malaysia
Jalan Pahang 50588
Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: +60 (3) 2616 2656
Fax: +60 (3) 2691 9716
Commencing Date June 1980
Commencing Position Medical Laboratory Technologist
Current position Senior Medical Laboratory Technologist
Work Ethic Be professional and maintain confidentiality records of patients even if they are your worst enemies
Personal Motto Execute a given job efficiently and effectively to minimize resources
Ms Elena Andino Villacorte
Education Master of Science
Monash University, Victoria, Australia
Current Workplace SEAMEO TROPMED/Philippines
College of Public Health,
University of the Philippines Manila
625 Pedro Gil Street, Ermita
P.O. Box EA-460, Manila 1000,
Tel: +63 (2) 524 2703, 523 5929
Fax: +63 (2) 521 1394, 525 5885
Commencing Date 1 June 1990
Commencing Position University Research Associate 1
Current position University Researcher 1
Work Ethic Do the best in everything that is assigned and unassigned task without expecting anything in return. Make sure all work and task are accomplished on allotted time
Personal Motto

Work for the betterment of everybody

Mr Perico B Evangelista
Education Secondary School Graduate
Gov. Andres Pascual High School, University of the East, Navos City, Philippines
Current Workplace SEAMEO TROPMED/Philippines
College of Public Health,
University of the Philippines Manila
625 Pedro Gil Street, Ermita
P.O. Box EA-460, Manila 1000,
Tel: +63 (2) 524 2703
Fax: +63 (2) 521 1394
Commencing Date 16 November 2004
Commencing Position Administrative Assistant II
Current position Senior Administrative Assistant II
Work Ethic Be honest
Personal Motto

Hitch your wagon to the star

Mrs Chiraporn Praevanit
Education Bachelor Degree of Education (Measurement of Education Study)
Sukhothai Thammathirat University
Current Workplace SEAMEO TROPMED/Thailand
420/6 Ratchawithi Road,
Bangkok 10400
Tel.: +662 306 9130
Fax: +662 354 9150
Commencing Date 1 March 1979
Commencing Position Administrator
Current position Head of Educational Administration
Work Ethic

Being honest and sacrifice to job

Personal Motto Trying is a key to success
Mr Mohamad Kasim Haji Abd Rahman
Education GCE 3 ‘O’ Level
SOAS College
Current Workplace SEAMEO VOCTECH
Jalan Pasar Baharu,
Gadong BE 1318,
Brunei Darussalam
Tel.: +673 244 7992
Fax.: +673 244 7955
Commencing Date 25 June 1996
Commencing Position Receptionist/ Telephone Operator
Current position Receptionist/ Telephone Operator Supervisor
Work Ethic I am committed to handle all duties and responsibility with my best ability
Personal Motto “NEVER GIVE UP! Continuously to show and do my best”
Mrs Rassarin Somvaraseth

Lower Secondary School

Current Workplace SEAMEO Secretariat
920 Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building,
Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand.
Tel.: +66 (0) 2391-0144
Fax.: +66 (0) 2381-2587
Commencing Date 17 December 1995
Commencing Position Janitor
Current position Office Helper
Work Ethic Be honest, diligent and patient.
Personal Motto Tomorrow never comes