Organizers   In partnership with


“The Government of Japan has contributed and supported the organization of SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award through the collaboration of MEXT and SEAMEO since 2012”.



In 2002, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 57/254 and declared the period 2005-2014 as the “United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development” (DESD).

The UNESCO General Conference at its 40th Session and the UN General Assembly at its 74th Session in 2019 endorsed Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for 2030) as the global framework for implementation of ESD from 2020-2030.

ESD for 2030 builds upon the lessons learned from the Global Action Programme on ESD (GAP, 2015-2019), in response to the increased importance placed on ESD to promote the contribution of learning content to the survival and prosperity of humanity. ESD 2030 places emphasis on education’s contribution to the achievement of the SDGs. It aims to review the purposes and values that underpin education and reorient all levels of education and learning to contribute to sustainable development and to strengthen education and learning in all activities that promote sustainable development.

While ESD is implemented worldwide under the GAP, in support of further promoting ESD in Southeast Asia, the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and the Government of Japan through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT), in cooperation with the UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Bangkok, have shown their collective commitment to promote best practices in ESD in schools across Southeast Asia, by organizing the SEAMEO-Japan Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Award. The award scheme has been held annually since 2012.

The objectives of the SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award are:

  1. To raise awareness of ESD in schools and communities across Southeast Asia;
  2. To promote ESD best practices in schools and communities across Southeast Asia;
  3. To share and exchange knowledge and best practices on ESD in schools across Southeast Asia and Japan;
  4. To encourage networking among schools and communities which implement ESD practices in Southeast Asian countries and Japan; and
  5. To support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of United Nations.


II. Objectives

The Launch and the Orientation Session aims to increase visibility of the SEAMEO-Japan ESD award in the region and reach as many prospective participating schools in the region. More specifically, participants to the event will

  • raise awareness of and heighten interest in the SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award
  • obtain important information regarding the award 
  • be guided in preparing their entries for the award


III. Platform and Participants
  • 2024 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award Launch and Orientation Session will be livestreamed via SEAMEO Secretariat YouTube Channel at
  • We are inviting teachers, school heads, researchers, students, and educational personnel from educational institutions at basic education level 
  • Interested participants  may also confirm their attendance through this online registration link: by 13 June 2024


Tentative Programme

13:00 - 13:30

Checking in and Technical Test

SEAMEO Colours

13:30 - 13:45

Welcome Remarks

  • Datuk Dr. Habibah Abdul Rahim
    SEAMEO Secretariat Director

  • Mr KITAYAMA Koji
    International Affairs Division, Ministers Secretariat
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)- Japan

13:45 - 13:48

Short Video on SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award 

13:48 - 14:10

Orientation on  2024 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award

  • Garry Pawitandra Poluan
    Learning Innovation and Information Specialist
    SEAMEO Secretariat

14:10 - 14:15

Video of SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award 2023 Winner

14:15 - 14:25

Question and Answer 

14:25 - 14:30

Closing Remarks

  • Mr John Arnold Siena
    Deputy Director for Programme and Development
    SEAMEO Secretariat

Master of Ceremonies:

  • Diba Safitri
    SEAMEO Secretariat



John Arnold Siena
Deputy Director for Programme and Development
SEAMEO Secretariat
Bangkok, Thailand
