1. Background

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a revolution in the way we live, work and learn, and has fundamentally changed the global educational landscape.

With these challenges, however, came opportunities for positive transformations. As teachers had to pivot to online classes, they learned the smart use of technology to enhance the learning experience in a virtual environment, and as students adapted to home-based learning, they also cultivated the habits to be independent and self-directed learners. Indeed, when we are resilient, we will be able to find the silver lining in every problem and thrive in the face of change.

At the 5th Strategic Dialogue for Education Ministers on 17 June 2021, Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Education, Singapore, had emphasised the importance of student exchanges and the need to provide opportunities for youth from different countries to connect and learn together so that they will grow up understanding one another and know how to cooperate for the long-term sustainability of our region. There was unanimous support from the other Ministers present. The view was also encapsulated in the SEAMEO Strategic Plan 2021-2025 and the education priority of promoting and adopting a 21st century curriculum.

In response, the Ministry of Education of Singapore is collaborating with the Science Centre Singapore and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Secretariat (SEAMEO Secretariat) to organise the SEAMEO-Singapore Students Challenge (SSSC) in 2023, on the theme “Sustainable and Resilient Communities”, for the young minds of Southeast Asia to interact and co-create solutions for pertinent urban challenges.

2. Objectives

The overarching objectives of the SSSC for participants are as follows:

  1. To enhance 21st century skills and global perspectives of students from Southeast Asia.    
  2. To be a platform for the sharing and exchange of culture and best learning practices.
  3. To promote regional collaboration.
  4. To establish a regional youth network for the cross-pollination of ideas and to spark innovations among high school students in Southeast Asia.   

3. Organisers
  1. Ministry of Education, Singapore
  2. Science Centre Singapore
  3. Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Secretariat (SEAMEO Secretariat)

4. Partners and Resource Persons
  1. UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education (UNESCO Bangkok)    
  2. Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU), Republic of Korea
  3. National University of Singapore
  4. SEAMEO Regional Centres

5. Schedule
  • Phase 1: Virtual Workshops:  25, 26, 27 April, 2, 3 May 2023
  • Phase 2: In-person Challenge at Singapore Science Center, Singapore: 4 - 8 July 2023

6. Participants

7. Programme
  1. SSSC Virtual Workshops
    25, 26, 27, April and 2,3 May 2023

    Download the updated programme

    SG Time)
    Day 1 - 25 Apr 2023 (Tuesday) 
    14.00 - 15.30 hrs Virtual Orientation and Icebreaking Activities
    Theme: Inter-cultural Understanding
    Moderators: SEAMEO Secretariat

    Issuance of Problem Statement + Guidelines on
    Submission of Proposals

    Speaker: Ms Er Ya Qin
    Manager, Science Centre Singapore
    Day 2 - 26 Apr 2023 (Wednesday) 
    14.00 - 15.00 hrs Theme: Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDG)   
    Speaker: Mr Phinith Chanthalangsy
    Regional Advisor, Social and Human Science Unit
    UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Bureau for Education Bangkok  
    Day 3 - 27 Apr 2023 (Thursday) 
    14.00 - 15.00 hrs   Theme: Singapore’s Coastal Protection and Effects from
    Climate Change

    Speaker: Dr Toh Tai Chong
    Senior Lecturer, National University of Singapore (NUS)
    Day 4 - 2 May 2023 (Tuesday) 
    14.00 - 15.00 hrs Theme: Global Citizenship Education (GCED) 
    Speaker: Ms Maggie Yang
    Programme Specialist,
    Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU), Republic of Korea
    Day 5 - 3 May 2023 (Wednesday) 
    14.00 - 15.00 hrs Theme: Applied Technologies for Live and Learn
    Speaker: Dr Lee Song Choon
    Director, Science Centre Singapore 

    How to Join the Virtual Workshop by WebEx Online Platform:

    Cisco Webex logo - Brandlogos.net.svg

    One WebEx Meeting Link will be used for all sessions of the SSSC Virtual Workshops
    Meeting number: 2511 630 8080
    Passwords have been sent separately via email.
    Email: sssc@seameo.org

  2. SSSC In-person Challenge
    4-8 July 2023, Singapore

    Download the updated programme

    Announcement of selected schools for In-Person Challenge

8. Important Dates

Activity Schedule
  • Technical Briefing for Ministry Coordinators, Coordinating Teachers
21 April 2023
15.00-16.00hrs (GMT+8)
  • Virtual Orientation and Ice Breaking Activities
  • Issuance of Problem Statement
25 April 2023
14.00-15.30hrs (GMT+8)
  • SSSC Virtual Workshops   
26 & 27 April
2 & 3 May 2023
14.00hrs (GMT+8)
  • Deadline for submission of proposals by student teams
8 May 2023
  • Evaluation of proposals by the Country’s Ministry of Education

(The team with the best proposal will represent the country in the in-person challenge in Singapore from 4 - 8 July 2023.)
By 18 May 2023
  • Release of results (selected teams will be notified)
22 May 2023
  • Issuance of Certificates of Participation and Appreciation
By mid-June 2023
  • All selected country teams to develop their solution(s) according to the broad proposal they had submitted earlier AND prepare a presentation on their solution(s) to be showcased during the in-person challenge
Month of June 2023
  • The selected team will be participated in the In-Person Challenge in Singapore  
4-8 July 2023

9. References

Participants are suggested to read and view the following resources before the session.