Preparing for Success: SEA-PLM Programme Gears Up for 2024 Main Survey

Friday, 28 June 2024 |

Preparing for Success: SEA-PLM Programme Gears Up for 2024 Main Survey


The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) programme kicked off 2024 with a focus on its 2024 Main Survey. The 14th SEA-PLM Regional Steering Committee Meeting in February brought together Ministries of Education from seven participating countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam, along with representatives from Brunei Darussalam and Thailand, and other partners and technical collaborators

The meeting aimed to finalise preparations for the Main Survey, building on insights shared by national teams and technical collaborators. Additionally, research from UNICEF Innocenti and De La Salle University provided valuable data on equity factors affecting student learning, based on the 2019 SEA-PLM data.

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A concurrent with the 14th SEA-PLM Regional Steering Committee Meeting, the High-Level Regional Conference on Foundational Learning – collaboratively organised by the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat, SEAMEO Secretariat, UNICEF EAPRO, and the ASEAN Secretariat – addressed the ongoing challenge of ensuring strong foundational skills in reading, writing, and maths for primary school children.

The conference served as a platform for discussing solutions to overcome these persistent gaps in learning. Discussions focused on empowering teachers, supporting learners, transforming curriculum, prioritising early childhood education, and financing primary education. By sharing best practices and identifying bottlenecks, the conference participants aimed to develop strategies to improve foundational learning outcomes across Southeast Asia.