SEAMEO – Kingdom of Morocco Programme of Cooperation


On 17 June 2021, the Kingdom of Morocco was admitted as the first Arab and African Associate Member of SEAMEO at the 51st SEAMEO Council Conference hosted virtually by the Ministry of Education, Singapore.

As endorsed by the SEAMEO High Officials, the SEAMEO Secretariat conducted discussions with the Kingdom of Morocco’s Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand on possible of SEAMEO- the Kingdom of Morocco collaboration.

There were several areas identified where SEAMEO and the Kingdom of Morocco could collaborate.  In the first few years of the proposed cooperation, the priority areas will be on the areas of Mobility and Exchanges, Research and Collaboration, and Higher Education.

  1. Mobility and Exchanges

    With the aim of enhancing the links between the Kingdom of Morocco and Southeast Asia, SEAMEO and the Kingdom of Morocco will collaborate on facilitating mobility and trans-boundary exchanges of higher education educators, professors/teachers, and university students between the Kingdom of Morocco and Southeast Asian countries. 

  2. Research and Collaboration

    The Kingdom of Morocco aims to support Southeast Asia in developing world-class learning and research capabilities.  Research and development partnerships between research institutions in The Kingdom of Morocco and the region, including SEAMEO Regional Centres, will be promoted and facilitated.  Likewise, research cooperation between industries, academic and government institutions may be supported by The Kingdom of Morocco.  

  3. Higher Education

    The Kingdom of Morocco plans to continue its efforts on providing assistance to support Southeast Asian students’ undergraduate or graduate study in educational institutions in The Kingdom of Morocco.  Other initiatives related to higher education in the region such as education policy development, promotion of accreditation system, the conduct of joint degree programmes, and benchmarking study of educational institutions may also be supported. 

The Kingdom of Morocco’s regional objectives are also aligned with SEAMEO’s objective to strengthen the links between academia, industries, and governments for better human resource development competitiveness.

In addition, Special Education was also identified as a possible area of collaboration between SEAMEO and The Kingdom of Morocco.