Theme and Logo.

The theme for Singapore’s presidency “New Education Imperatives in a Post-COVID Era” reflects the need for education and the schooling experience to be geared to respond to rapid regional and global developments, as well as the post-COVID world, so that we can emerge stronger as individual nations and together as a region.

The logo of the presidency shows an open book and digital data nodes that depict how education systems have evolved to incorporate blended learning in a post-COVID era. The nodes, corresponding to map positions of capitals of SEAMEO member countries, and their network paths also show regional connectivity and interdependence as well as the importance of regional cooperation.


Hosting of the 51st SEAMEO Council Conference on 17 June 2021

Singapore has assumed the presidency of the Southeast Asian Ministers for Education Organisation (SEAMEO) Council for a two-year term (2021 to 2022) and hosted the 51st SEAMEO Council Conference virtually on Thursday, 17 June 2021. Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Education, Singapore, has been appointed as the President of the SEAMEO Council during this term.



The new 10-year SEAMEO Strategic Plan (SSP) 2021 – 2030, an important milestone for SEAMEO, was launched at the 51st SEAMEC during Singapore’s presidency. The SEAMEO Strategic Plan lays out the priorities for education, science and culture which will guide SEAMEO's education agenda and regional centre activities. Key priorities include digital transformation, promoting inclusive learning, enhancing climate education and strengthening teacher capacity.

Organisation of the 5th Strategic Dialogue for Education Ministers (SDEM 5) on 17 June 2021

SDEM is a discussion platform for the Education Ministers to share country practices, review priority areas and agree on general directions that SEAMEO should take. Singapore hosted the SDEM 5, which took place right after the SEAMEO Council Conference.

SDEM 5 started with the reflection and sharing by Minister Chan on Singapore’s education response to COVID-19. The discussion subsequently revolved around the two key themes, i.e. first, to prepare future-ready students, and second, to keep education as an uplifting force.



The outcome of SDEM 5 was the Singapore Statement that reaffirmed member countries’ commitment to improving educational outcomes in the region.

Upcoming Programmes

Educators from the region can look forward to various programmes/activities to be conducted by SEAMEO Regional Language Centre (RELC), National Institute of Education International (NIEI) and Singapore Science Centre:

  • Customised Training Programmes on Educational Leadership

    1. Leaders in Education Programme International (16 - 27 Aug 2021)

      The Leaders in Education Programme International (LEPI) organised by NIEI seeks to empower educators with cutting-edge knowledge in this exciting journey of innovation and change in school.

      In addition to examining the theme of transformational school leadership, this 2021 edition of the LEPI will also explore the role of the leaders of learning organisations arising from the uncertain environment arising from the pandemic:
      • How do we tackle our current educational problems head on with creative new solutions?
      • Can we design and implement the curriculum and education services differently?
      • Why is there a need to focus on building both internal and external networks and alliances?
      • How do we build a culture of resilience in schools? How do we enhance the home-school-community relationship?

      The disruptions caused by the pandemic requires policymakers and school leaders to think and act like chief executive officers and entrepreneurs and to be less risk-averse and try out new ideas. Several of these ideas and solutions will be further explored in this programme.

    2. Future of Work in the Post-Pandemic World and its Impact on Education (20 - 29 Sep 2021)

      This customised executive programme for senior educators and education policymakers from SEAMEO member countries has two main broad themes:
      • The new educational landscape arising from the COVID-19 pandemic
      • Policies and strategies to address the educational change

      The programme provides a platform for participants to brainstorm, share ideas and solutions on:
      • How will the COVID-19 pandemic alter the future of teaching and learning?
      • How should existing policies and practices be modified, reinforced – or be discarded?
      • What new and innovative policies and practices can be introduced?

      Several issues and challenges will be examined in seminar sessions. Participants are encouraged to engage in discussions actively and keep a learning journal.

  • Customised training programmes focussed on the English Language

    These are the English Language courses organised by SEAMEO RELC and supported by the Ministry of Education (MOE) Singapore, which aim to deepen English Language capabilities for professional use amongst educators and MOE officials in the region:
    1. English for Professional Purposes Course for Educators, Administrators and MOE Officials, and
    2. An Introductory Course in English as Medium of Instruction for Higher Education Lecturers.

  • STEM Education Programme

    A Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education programme is co-developed by MOE Singapore and the Singapore Science Centre for teachers and students both locally and in the region. Students will be able to virtually engage their peers in the region through various activities, which will complement their understanding of STEM concepts and inspire deeper interest in STEM. Teachers can also exchange best practices in the teaching of STEM.

For more information on these programmes, please contact your Ministry of Education. Invitations to participate will be sent to the SEAMEO High Officials and focal points. All participants shall be nominated by their respective Ministries of Education.